About the Journal
The Scientific Journal of Cihan University – Sulaimaniya (SJCUS) Is an open access journal that publishes double blind peer-reviewed research, the journal is bi-annual journal (June and December), SJCUS has been established in 2017 by Cihan University-Sulaimaniya.
Approved by Ministerial Decree No.9967 0f 18/7/2017AD, for the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research – Kurdistan Region- Iraq, with P-ISSN: 2520-5102 (Print), E-ISSN: 2520-7377 (Online) and DOI Prefix: 10.25098.SJCUS providing Long-term preservation services where the journal is currently archived by PKP PN.
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
This journal publishes scientific research in Kurdish, Arabic, and English languages that contain the original scientific research standards in any of administrative, economic, accounting, Linguistics, legal, computing, technological, engineering, and the related fields.
SJCUS journal is a member of CrossRef and CrossRef services. All published papers are checked by iThenticate and assigned a DOI.
Current Issue

Type : Semi-Anually
Language : English, Arabic, Kurdish
Publisher : Cihan University – Sulaimanyia
Manager : Dr. Tara Taha Othman: [email protected]
ISSN : ISSN 2520-7377 (Online), ISSN 2520-5102 (Print)
Publishing Full issue on: 2024-12-01
This journal is Open Access
This journal publishes scientific research in Kurdish, Arabic, and English languages that contain the original scientific research standards in any of administrative, economic, accounting, Linguistics, legal, computing, technological, engineering, and the related fields.
SJCUS journal is a member of CrossRef and CrossRef services. All published papers are checked by iThenticate and assigned a DOI.
All the content is regularly double peer reviewed before publication whereas the index is checked through anti-plagiarism software 'Turnitin'. It is also being indexed in national and international databases/resources. From 2019, all papers submitted to the journal should be written in good Language. Authors for whom writting in a language which is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Subject Areas
- Economics & Administrative
- Accounting
- Linguistics
- Law
- Computing
- Engineering
- Other Related Fields
Copyright / Open Access
Articles published in The Scientific Journal of Cihan University – Sulaimaniya (SJCUS) will be Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), without article processing charge (APC).