Holistic Marketing and its Role in Enhancing Organizational Reputation
An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Managers in Private Banks in the City of Erbil / Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Holistic Marketing, - Organizational Reputation, Private banks , the city of Erbil, Kurdistan Region, IraqAbstract
This research aims to analyze the relationship and impact between holistic marketing in its dimensions (internal marketing, relationship marketing, integrated marketing, performance marketing) and organizational reputation represented by (moral, talented employees, financial performance, leadership, management, social responsibility, focus on customers, quality of services , reliability, quality of communication). In a number of private banks in the city of Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq, which number (13) banks and the research community represented by managers (the director, assistant director, heads of departments, divisions and units) and their number is (117) managers, The analytical descriptive approach in the current study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study and to answer the questions raised in the research problem, the two researchers adopted a hypothetical model that reflects the nature of the correlation and influence relationships between the research variables, depending on a number of hypotheses, and several statistical methods were used, including arbitrators and Cronbach's alpha, to ensure validity, stability, and correlation. Numerator and structural equation modeling using (SPSS v. 24), (SmartPLS v. 4) and (Excel v. 2013). The questionnaire was used to collect the data. As (92) questionnaires were distributed to the responding managers, and (90) questionnaires were returned, but (2) forms that were not valid for analysis were excluded, leaving (88) forms valid for analysis, which represent the research sample. The most prominent conclusions were the existence of a positive correlation and impact between the research variables and its dimensions: holistic marketing and organizational reputation. And based on the results of the research, a number of recommendations were made related to the need for the banks under study to develop ways to achieve comprehensive marketing, because it is one of the most prominent types of variables that carry values of a positive nature, which enable support and achievement of organizational goals, especially organizational reputation. Recommendations were made to banks, institutions and other departments, and proposals for future studies in this field.
أولاً: المصادر العربية
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