The possibility of applying the costing technique based on performance-based activity (PFABC) in achieving competitive advantage at the lowest possible cost
A case study in Dawa Hotel / Sulaymaniyah Governorate
Performance Focused Activity Based Costing, Compititive Advantage, Lowest Cost AdvantageAbstract
This research aims to identify the possibility of applying of performance focused activity-based costing (PFABC) in the hotel industry, and to highlight its role in reducing costs and then achieving the competitive advantage through the lowest cost advantage. To achieve this goal, PFABC approach has been applied in Dawa Hotel, a first-class hotel in Kurdistan Region/ Iraq, which is the in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. Data were collected based on direct visit to the hotel and interview with finance managers and accounting staff and from the financial statements of the hotel for the fiscal year 2020. Based on the results of practical analysis, the study reached a set of conclusions. The most prominent of which is the hotel used the direct materials resource in a distinct manner in the study year because there are no deviations, while there is an unfavorable deviation for the majority of the salaries and wages resource and the indirect costs resource, as a result of non-compliance with the planned cost and time for cost items. When calculating the productivity of activities, it was found that there are unfavorable deviations for the majority of cost elements for the main activities and auxiliary activities, i.e., it was not possible to use the hotel resources correctly due to the quarantine resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Last but not least, the application of PFABC approach will help the hotel control the costs of hotel services. This can be seen through production costs for the main activities and auxiliary activities, as it was found that the difference between the traditional system and the proposed approach amounts (16,343) dinars per guest, and this in turn achieve the competitive advantage, which is the advantage of the lowest cost.
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