The Role of Human Resources Management in Implementing the Disciplinary System for Employees
(An Analytical Study of the Opinions of Faculty Members in the Arabic Language Departments in the Colleges of Saladin University/Erbil)
Human Resource Management, Employees Disciplinary System, Arabic language Department, Salahaddin University-ErbilAbstract
The current search seeks to know the importance of human resources management and its role in the application of the disciplinary system, which is an in Arabic language Departments at the University of Salahaddin - Erbil - Kurdistan Region - Iraq. Its aim to determine the relationship and impact of human resources management, represented by its dimensions (training and development, performance evaluation, and participation in decision-making) in the disciplinary system for employees, represented by (functional violation, disciplinary punishment, and disciplinary procedures). The general framework of the study represents the problem of the study, which identified by raising several questions about the nature of the correlation and impact between the independent variable (human resource management) and the dependent variable (disciplinary system). In order to verify the validity of the hypotheses, they were all subjected to multiple tests, and the Research used a questionnaire as a means to obtain data. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, as the main and sub-variables were described, and relationships and influence were analyzed between the variables.
Where the Research population was represented colleges in Salahaddin Universi (College of Languages / College of Basic Education / College of Education, Shaqlawa Education, and Makhmour Education). It was distributed to the teaching staff (120) of the Arabic language professors, and (106) forms were valid for analysis. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the Easy Fit program were used to analyze those data collected by the questionnaire. The search reached a set of main conclusions, including the results of the correlation analysis revealed the existence of positive moral relations at a high level between human resources management and the disciplinary system of employees at the macro and micro levels. This confirms the benefit of the researched colleges from identifying human resources management and its contribution to strengthening the disciplinary system. as well as the results of the study indicated that there is an impact for each dimension of human resource management (training and development, performance evaluation, and participation in decision-making) respectively, which contributed to this effect. Disciplining and directing this relationship towards administrative decisions in educational institutions, in a way that secures the advancement of its administrative and educational work.
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