Strategic Clarity and its Role in Achieving Strategic Consensus
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders in a number of Internet companies in Sulaymaniyah Governorate
Strategic clarity, Strategic consensus, Internet Companies, Sulaymaniyah GovernorateAbstract
The current research aims to study the role that strategic clarity plays through its dimensions represented by (clarity of goals, clarity of the employee’s role, clarity of the use of resources, clarity of activities and procedures, clarity of the organizational structure) in achieving strategic consensus. To achieve the research objectives, the descriptive analytical approach was relied upon by designing a questionnaire to collect data from (71) administrative leaders in Internet Companies in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. A set of statistical tools have been used to analyze the data through (SPSS V.28). The results found that there is a positive relationship between strategic clarity and strategic consensus, in addition to the presence of a significant effect of strategic clarity and its dimensions at the macro and micro levels in achieving strategic consensus. Finally, a set of conclusions were indicated that would help in presenting a number of recommendations, the most important on of which is the need for the strategy to be clearly characterized in Internet companies when they want to obtain consensus on this strategy.
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