Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Achieving Job Stability

An Analytical Study of The Views of a Sample of Employees at Asiacell Telecommunications Company in Iraq


  • Othman Kareem Mahmood Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sulaimaniyah University, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Cihan University - Sulaimaniyah, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq
  • Lanja Mohsin Jalal Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sulaimaniyah University, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq



perceived organizational support, job stability, Asia Cell company, Iraq


This study aims to identify the role of perceived organizational support with its dimensions (Organizational Justice, Leadership behavior to support subordinates and participate in decision-making) in achieving job stability of workers at (Asia Cell) company in Iraq. After reviewing the previous literature, the Theoretical concepts were written and the models and hypothesis were built according to perceived organizational support dimensions and Job stability. Based on the nature of the research and the goals it seeks to achieve; the descriptive analytical approach was followed. A questionnaire was designed to collect data from a random sample of the research community represented by the approximately (2000) employees throughout the company according to the company’s data during the conduct of the research. The scales were developed based on the random sampling method, and 350 questionnaires were distributed on the sample according to statistical formula to represent the research community in all branches of Asiacell in all governorates of Iraq through (Google Form), and (330) forms were returned. Several methods were used, including expert judgment and Alpha Cronbach to verify validity and reliability, factor analysis, simple correlation and structural equation modeling using (SPSS-26) and (AMOS-26) were utilized. The results showed a positive correlation and regression between the variables. Based on the results of the research, a number of recommendations were made related to the need for managers and leaders to focus on, in order to use the perceived organizational support in achieving job stability by employees. Also, recommendations were made to companies, institutions, some future studies were also proposed in this field.


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How to Cite

Mahmood, O. K. ., & Jalal, L. M. . (2022). Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Achieving Job Stability: An Analytical Study of The Views of a Sample of Employees at Asiacell Telecommunications Company in Iraq. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 5(2), 200-225.



Articles Vol5 Issue2