Psychological Capital and its Role in Achieving Organizational Happiness
An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Faculty Members in the Colleges of Administration and Economics in a Number of Universities in The Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Psychological Capital, Dimensions of Psychological Capital, Happiness, Organizational HappinessAbstract
The research aims to present the concept of psychological capital, which is one of the contemporary concepts in positive psychology and organizational behavior and its role in organizational happiness as a general concept the positive attitudes of the individual fall under which, as a whole, can provide the appropriate climate for the individual and collective performance of the organization as a whole. The research tried to test the correlation hypothesis Between the psychological capital of faculty members and their organizational happiness, as well as the hypothesis of the effect of psychological capital dimensions on organizational happiness.
The research was based on the analytical descriptive method to test hypotheses The descriptive analytical methodology has been adopted to diagnose research variables and test hypotheses in administration and economic colleges of universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the research population included (875) of teachers from (17) universities, and the sample consisted of (287) of faculty staff in the surveyed universities, who indicated their opinion regarding their agreement on the questionnaire.
The data was analyzed based on a number of statistical tools such as arithmetic means and standard deviations as well as the correlation coefficient and regression. The research concluded that there is a significant correlation between psychological capital and organizational happiness and that organizational happiness The faculty members have correlations with their psychological capital in the surveyed universities. About proposing other variables that could affect the levels of organizational happiness within the framework of future studies.
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