Paradiplomacy of the Kurdistan Region and the Nature of Iraqi Diplomacy
Paradiplomacy, central government, regions, Iraq, Kurdistan Regional GovernmentAbstract
The authority to practice diplomacy is one of the sovereign acts that states practice in their international relations, and it is recognized in many countries of the world that foreign affairs fall within the competence of the central government, especially in simple states or federal states, and in Iraq since the adoption of the constitution (2005) of the federal state, The main problem emerges, which is the division of sovereignty between the central government and the region. This study focuses on the phenomenon of paradiplomacy, which has emerged significantly in foreign relations. Therefore, the interest of this research focuses on investigating the most prominent paradiplomatic activities of the Kurdistan Regional Government since (2005), and the research also studies the role of establishing the Foreign Relations Office of the Kurdistan Regional Government in managing and implementing foreign affairs to promote the interests of the Kurdistan Region. And discussing the role of Kurdish political leaders in strengthening relations and communicate between the Kurdistan Regional Government and regional and international countries.
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