Genotypical Change of Traditional Houses in Sulaymaniyah City


  • Wrya Sabir Abdullah Architecture Department, College of Engineering, University of Sulaimani, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Ameera Ahmed Abdullah Architecture Department, College of Engineering, University of Sulaimani, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq



Architecture genotype, Space syntax, Justified graph map, Traditional house layout


Over the past thirty years, Sulaymaniyah City has experienced tremendous sociocultural and economic upheaval, which has led to substantial changes in both the urban and architectural layouts. There have been many traditional houses in the old city center that were destroyed and rebuilt with new structures, which has negatively impacted the form and spatial organization of the original fabric. This study aims to investigate how the contemporary reconstruction activities that landowners in traditional city neighborhoods undertake affect the basic genotype or genetic constants of housing spatial design. The research entails morphologically assessing the architectural arrangements of the rebuilt and original structures. In order to achieve this goal, five distinct designs of traditional homes built in the years 1900–1960 were selected and compared with five newly reconstructed modern homes from the years 1990–2020 in the same area. Using (A-graph software) as a space syntax technique, specifically (Gamma analysis), the spatial arrangements of these structures were assessed using an analytical quantitative approach to ascertain the layout characteristics such as (symmetry/asymmetry) and (distributiveness/non-distributiveness) of the entire system. The results show that, whereas many organizing principles are common, there are distinct structuring patterns based on genotype differences.


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How to Cite

Sabir Abdullah, W. ., & Ahmed Abdullah, A. . (2024). Genotypical Change of Traditional Houses in Sulaymaniyah City. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 8(1), 1-23.



Articles Vol8 Issue1