A Case-Based Analysis of Ezafe Construction in Central Kurdish
Central Kurdish, Ezafe construction, NP modifiers and complements, case-based analysis, case theoryAbstract
This study addresses the nature, characteristics, and function of Ezafe morpheme in Central Kurdish. Such a morpheme is a distinctive grammatical feature of not only Central Kurdish but also all other Iranian languages. Although there have been many studies on the Ezafe Construction in Iranian languages especially Persian, very few studies have been conducted on the Ezafe in Central Kurdish. After reviewing the main studies and analyses proposed in the literature, the study offers a case-based analysis of the Ezafe construction in Central Kurdish. Drawing data examples mainly from the language under study, it becomes evident that the Ezafe morpheme occurs between nominal elements within a range of different phrases such as NP, PP, QP, and AP. Following Chomsky’s 1981 case theory and the recent analysis proposed by Larson and Samiian (2018; 2020) for Persian Ezafe, the paper argues that the morpheme satisfies a licensing requirement in the following phrase, similar to ‘of’ in English. A number of arguments from the nature and behavior of prepositional phrases after Ezafe, and the occurrence of Ezafe with relative and complement clauses strongly support the analysis offered in this study. The study also proposes an explanation for the reason behind the different realizations of Ezafe in Central Kurdish.
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