The Principles of Communitarian Theory from Amitae Etzion´s Perspective: A Theoretical and Comparative Study


  • Danar Rashid Najmadin College of Political Sciences, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Iraq
  • Anwar Mohammed faraj Mahmood College of Law and Politics, University of Human Development, Sulaimani, Iraq& College of Political Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq



Community, Communitarianism, public good, individualism, liberalism


This research highlights the fundamental principles of Communitarianism as political theory and its implications on domestic and international levels. It emphasizes on the significance of the proposals of this contemporary theory from the perspective of the well-known American thinker, Amitae Etzioni as an alternative for the proposals of liberal theory. The aim of this study is to find a theoretical framework for the broad ideas and views of communitarians and analyze the principles that have become the foundation of this theory in the field of politics and international relations. The method of conducting this research is descriptive through analyzing the literature review and comparing this theory to other theories of politics and international relations. The significance of this research is that no one has ever conducted a comparative work on Communitarianism and its contributions in Kurdish academic journals. It is also an attempt to revive and focus on the role and position of society in domestic politics and international relations after the hegemony of liberal ideas and individualism in 20th century.



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How to Cite

ڕەشید نجم الدین د. ., & محمد فرج محمود ا. (2024). The Principles of Communitarian Theory from Amitae Etzion´s Perspective: A Theoretical and Comparative Study. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 8(1), 30-48.



Articles Vol8 Issue1