Learned-Indexes for Improving Query Performance A Comprehensive Survey with Taxonomy


  • Chiya Qadir Hama Faraj Department of database Technology, Technical College of Infromatic, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Iraq
  • Nzar A. Ali Department of Statistics and Informatics, College of Administration and Economic, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq& Department of Computer Science, Cihan University -Sulaimaniya, Sulaimaniya, Iraq




Index Terms, Learned-Indexes, Database Indexing, Query Performance, Complexity Analysis


Database performance optimization involves intertwining developmental efforts with challenges. Core to this field are index structures, notably the B+-Tree technique, which enhances database performance by mapping keys to their locations regardless of data distribution. Although the B+-Tree improves query performance, it has inherent limitations affecting overall efficiency. The rise in data volume intensifies indexing complexities. Machine Learning (ML) emerges as a potent approach to rejuvenate legacy Database Management System (DBMS) components. A notable innovation is the "Learning Indexes" paradigm, viewing indexes as predictive models anticipating key locations in datasets, akin to Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF). This study serves as a survey, exploring technologies underpinning learned-index paradigms and comparing them with traditional database indexing techniques. Through meticulous analysis, it unravels intricacies of both traditional and learned indexing paradigms, equipping aspiring analysts with a panoramic understanding. This underscores the imperative of charting a path for future advancements within this transformative domain.


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How to Cite

Qadir Hama Faraj, C., & A. Ali, N. (2024). Learned-Indexes for Improving Query Performance A Comprehensive Survey with Taxonomy. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 8(1), 186-209. https://doi.org/10.25098/8.1.30