Sensory Marketing and its Role in Building the Customer's Perceived Image
(An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of beneficiaries in private hospitals in Erbil city)
Sensory marketing, perceived image, private hospitals, Erbil cityAbstract
The current study aimed to analyze the relationship and impact of sensory marketing with its dimensions (visual marketing, audio marketing, and olfactory marketing) in the perceived image of "Motivation, desire, perception”.
The research phase was determined by asking in general questions centered on the philosophical concepts of the research variables, the concept of the relationship and the effect between the variables. A diagram was designed expressing the main hypotheses; the questionnaire form was used as a means to obtain data that was distributed to beneficiaries in the searched private hospitals, its consistency (200). And valid consultations and the questionnaire for analysis (188) form. In order to validate the hypotheses with multiple vegetables while using the statistical program (SPSS. V.22). the research followed a descriptive analytical approach. The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which were the results of the correlation analysis revealed the existence of positive and high-level moral relationships between sensory marketing, perceived image at the macro and micro level, and this confirms that the researched hospitals benefit from identifying sensory marketing and their contribution to perceived image. In addition, there is a positive impact and moral levels of the variable of sensory marketing in the variable of perceived image. The research suggests the necessity of investing in the strong relationship between sensory marketing and perceived image and directing this relationship towards investment decisions in the hospital and reaching the competitive position.
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