An Empirical Study of the Impact of Rubrics on Writing Performance of Kurdish EFL Students
Rubric, Essay Writing, Writing Performance, Student PerceptionAbstract
The current study investigates the impact of rubrics on developing the writing performance of thirty-three Kurdish EFL university students (English Language Department - University of Halabja). In addition, it examines how rubrics are perceived by those students. This study adopted a quantitative research method, with a pre-test/post-test design and a survey after the post-test. In the pre-test each student wrote an essay without guidance, then a rubric was introduced which outlined essay writing criteria. In the post-test, using the provided rubric the students wrote another essay. In the analysis of the pre-test and post-test scores a significant improvement in writing performance was revealed after using the rubric. A post-writing survey explored students’ perceptions. Results indicated a positive view of rubrics, with students appreciating the clarity, fairness, and guidance they provided. However, some students expressed concerns about potential limitations on creativity and suitability for self-assessment. The study highlights the potential of rubrics to enhance writing performance and student perceptions of the evaluation process.
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