The Moderating Role of “Off-the- Job Embeddedness” in the relationship between “On-the-Job Embeddedness” And Procrastination at Work among Public University Employees: an analytical study.


  • Bewar Ahmed Abdalla Department of Business Administration, College of Human Science, University of Raparin, Sulaimani, Iraq
  • Pirshing Salih Mohamad 2Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq.



On-the-job embeddedness, off-the-job embeddedness, procrastination at work, public universities, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG)


The purpose of this research is to investigate the moderating role of “off-the-job embeddedness” in the relationship between “on-the-job embeddedness” and procrastination at work. Based on a survey of 451 employees who work in administrative departments across14 public universities in the KRG.  To evaluate the research model and test its hypotheses, a two-step structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was utilized after entering the study data into SPSS 25 for initial analysis. The measurement model, which aimed to measure the theoretical aspects of on-the-job embeddedness, procrastination at work, and off-the-job embeddedness, was estimated through the use of covariance-based SEM software, namely AMOS 25.The results of this paper revealed that on-the-job embeddedness is negatively related to procrastination among public university employees, and off-the-job embeddedness moderated the negative relationship between the variables. It is suggested that managers and HR professionals should consider procrastination among employees seriously and try to reduce it through encouraging employee (on-the-job, links, fit, and sacrifice). This can be achieved through encouraging a positive work environment, job security and stability, and work-life balance which makes employees less concerned about searching for another job outside their organization, and less distressed about family caring. This will result in employees to be less distracted by community factors and more engaged within their organization consequently less procrastination at work.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Abdalla, B. ., & Salih Mohamad , P. (2024). The Moderating Role of “Off-the- Job Embeddedness” in the relationship between “On-the-Job Embeddedness” And Procrastination at Work among Public University Employees: an analytical study. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 8(1), 449- 474.



Articles Vol8 Issue1