Evaluating the Content Validity of Summative Assessment by Basic School Teachers of English of English in Raparin Area
validity, content validity, summative assessmentsAbstract
The current research aims at evaluating the validity of summative assessment. English language final examinations’ content validity of the 8th-grade classes in Raparin Area's Basic Schools are examined and evaluated. The final exams' content validity is questionable and the exam sheets do not accurately measure what they are supposed to measure because of the content of the test. In other words, the content does not have proper, sufficient samples of the relevant language skill, knowledge, and structures of the syllabus. Hence, the content of 50 English language exam sheets of both semesters is compared with the content of 8th-grade syllabus (Sunrise Eight Students' Book). For analysing the collected data, comparative analytical method is used. The process of data analysis is carried out through three phases. First, the content validity of all the collected data is calculated. Then, significant differences between first semester and second semesters’ content validity are calculated. Next, testing techniques used in final exam sheets are analysed to show which testing technique could achieve content validity better. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the exam sheets don’t have enough proper representative samples of the syllabus, the exam sheets don’t achieve high level content validity, and the average content validity in terms of assessing enough syllabus items is 72.19%. Consequently, it is found that there are great significance differences between both semesters with 0.000352. afterwards, the testing techniques used for testing vocabulary with the highest content validity is fill-in blanks, next do as required items, then multiple-choice items, and finally matching. The summative assessments have major flaws in terms of its content, second semester version, and testing techniques. In the light of the conclusions presented in the study, it is recommended that EFL teachers, educators, test designers, and stakeholders need to consider the measurement tools used in the summative assessment. They also need to provide in-service teachers with training courses relevant to designing valid and reliable tests.
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