The Effect of Security on the Process of Urban Planning

(the Comparison Study Between Traditional and New Residential Districts) ( Sulaimani City – KRG/Iraq as a Case Study)


  • Rebaz Ahmed Majid City Planning Department, Technical College of Engineering, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Iraq
  • Alan faraydoon Ali College of Engineering, Department of Architecture, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq



Security, Urban spaces, Security criteria, Diversity of activity, Access control, Lighting, Natural surveillance, Territorial reinforcement


Security is one of the most critical factors that impacts urban spaces in cities. It contributes to meeting the needs of city dwellers by instilling a sense of calm inside the individual. The guidelines and standards of security serve as the foundation for urban development efforts. Security in any urban place requires careful planning and design. The study of security that is related to planning and design in urban spaces is uncommon and rare in the context of the Kurdistan Region and the rest of Iraq. The improper use of public spaces, low-quality urban spaces, and lack of guidelines and criteria can lead to a sense of insecurity and are among the main problems to which this study attempts to find solutions. This paper seeks to investigate and find the most important criteria associated with increasing the sense of security in urban spaces in the neighborhoods of Sulaimani city of Iraq. Hence, the concepts and parameters for assessing security rates and figuring out the factors that influence security levels would be taken into consideration after examining the theories, concepts, techniques, and international experiences. The study compares two neighborhoods (a traditional and a modern neighborhoods) in Sulaimani city in terms of security levels using security-related criteria. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire which 356 of its copies were distributed to experts and residents. The security assessment considers seven criteria, including diversity, access control, lighting, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, maintenance. According to the study's findings, security would be enhanced by activities such as providing adequate diversity, mixed-use, accessibility, sufficient lighting, enhancing natural surveillance, and territorial reinforcement. And the urban spaces will be promoted by boosting the quality of those spaces and managing them with proper maintenance. Moreover, the results show that the traditional neighborhood meets most of the criteria related to security.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Majid, R. ., & faraydoon Ali, A. . (2024). The Effect of Security on the Process of Urban Planning: (the Comparison Study Between Traditional and New Residential Districts) ( Sulaimani City – KRG/Iraq as a Case Study). The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 8(1), 154-185.



Articles Vol8 Issue1