Strategic Renewal and its Role in Activating Aviation Services Marketing Practices

An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers in some airline companies in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq


  • Jamal Ahmad Hama Karim College of Administration and Economics, Sulaymaniyah University, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • Shadia Mohammed Saeed Darwesh College of Administration and Economics, Sulaymaniyah University, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq



Strategic Renewal, , Aviation Services Marketing, Airlines, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


This research aims to reveal the relationship and influence between strategic renewal as an independent variable through its dimensions (exploration, investment opportunities, entrepreneurship, leadership participation) and aviation services marketing as a dependent variable with its dimensions (service provider reputation, skills of salesmen, value of complementary services) in several aviation companies in Kurdistan Region- Iraq. To achieve the research objectives and answer its questions, the research followed the descriptive analytical approach, then it formulated a hypothetical model that reflects the nature of the correlation and effect relationships between the research variables and their dimensions, which resulted in a set of primary and sub-hypotheses, which in return were subjected to a set of statistical analyzes and tests represented in ( descriptive methods and inferential analytical methods) through ready-made programs represented by (AMOS-26, SPSS-26). The air transport sector in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq was chosen as a research field for the current research; the respondents in the study sample consisted of (company manager, delegated manager, department head, division official, employee) in (17) airlines for a population equal to (1400) individuals. The researchers distributed the questionnaire in a field manner as an intended sample of (350) questionnaires, and then (313) questionnaires were retrieved, and (10) of them were not valid for analysis; this means that the total number of questionnaires valid for analysis amounted to (303) forms. After analyzing the data, the researchers reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a direct correlation and positive effect between strategic renewal and services marketing in the aviation sector, leading to the recommendation of the airlines surveyed and others in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to the need to pay attention to renewing its strategies as a strategic approach to activate the practices of its marketing services by adapting to the rapid environmental changes.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Hama Karim, J. ., & Mohammed Saeed Darwesh, S. (2024). Strategic Renewal and its Role in Activating Aviation Services Marketing Practices: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers in some airline companies in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 8(1), 350-379.



Articles Vol8 Issue1