The Role of Visionary Leadership in Achieving Sustainable Marketing
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers in mineral water bottling companies in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
visionary leadership, sustainable marketing, sustainable marketing, mineral water companies in Sulaymaniyah Governorate.Abstract
The current research aims to clarify and determine the extent of the ability of visionary leadership (vision, empowerment, inspiration, and values) in achieving sustainable marketing in its dimensions (social, environmental, and economic) in mineral water bottling companies in the Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The research started from a problem expressed in a number of intellectual and practical questions, and the main question of the research is (Does visionary leadership have a role in achieving sustainable marketing?). The researchers used the descriptive analytical method in the current research. The research variables and their dimensions were described by workers in a sample of the surveyed companies, and then a hypothetical model was formulated through which the nature of the relationship reflects the connection and influence between the research variables and their dimensions, which resulted in a number of main and sub-hypotheses, all of which were subjected to a set of statistical analyzes and tests through my program (SPSS-26, AMOS-26). Mineral water bottling companies were chosen exclusively in the Sulaymaniyah Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq as a research field. They numbered (7) different companies listed in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (Directorate of Industrial Development in Sulaymaniyah) and (General Directorate of Investment in Sulaymaniyah), and the researchers distributed the questionnaire form. Directly on all (210) workers, only (201) questionnaires were retrieved, but after scrutiny, (16) questionnaires that were not suitable for statistical analysis were excluded using the (Outliers) test, leaving only (185) questionnaires valid for analysis. The research reached a set of theoretical conclusions and other field conclusions by presenting and analyzing the results of the hypotheses, the most prominent of which is that (sustainable marketing can be achieved through visionary leadership). The research also found that there is a significant and positive correlation between visionary leadership and sustainable marketing, which means that the more the researched companies pay attention to visionary leadership is the more sustainable marketing is achieved, and based on the conclusions reached, a set of proposals were presented, the most important of which is (emphasis on the companies studied to pay more attention to visionary leadership because this leads to achieving sustainable marketing).
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