Entrepreneurial Orientation and its Impact on Achieving Sustainable Development
An Analytical Study of The Opinions of a Sample of Academic Cadres in The Colleges of Administration and Economics in Sulaymaniyah Governorate/Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Sustainable Development, Colleges of management and economic of SulaymaniyahAbstract
The study aims at exploring the possibility of applying advanced Entrepreneurial Orientations ideas for the purpose of enhancing the Concept of Sustainable Development by the leaders of faculties of management and economics in the four Public Sulaymaniyah Universities of Kurdistan Region-Iraq. However, study data were collected using a questionnaire sent to (60) participants, consisting of Deans, Deans’ assistants, Department Heads, Professors, and Assistant Professors. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the effect of a proportional increase in any of the four components of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Concepts, i.e. ‘opportunity initiatives, risk involved, opportunity seizing, and creativity levels’ on the Sustainable Development of universities.
To conclude, study results have confirmed that there is a significant positive percentage increase in those four components of the Entrepreneurial Orientations on the Sustainable Development Concept. In other words, An increase of 1% in any of the four components of the Entrepreneurial Orientations would yield a reasonably moderate positive effect on the universities sustainable development; e.g. the yields ranged between (0.596%) and (0.779%). However, other important conclusions of this research are to improve and increase cross-university contribution relationships as well as with other teaching institutions including labor markets, and speeding up local society acceptance; with increase financial spendings and concentration upon promoting and spreading new ideas, initiatives, projects, and provide every possible support and encouragement to those creative and successful ideas, and mostly integrating Entrepreneurial Intention as a main subject in the universities curriculum.
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