Evaluation of the Role of Private Universities in Achieving an Entrepreneurial Culture

Empirical Study in Private Universities in Erbil City


  • Rebaz Nwr AL-din Aziz Department of Management of Tourism Organizations, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Hussain Ahmed Mustafa Department of Management of Tourism Organizations, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Jubraeel Ahmed Ismaeel Department of Management of Tourism Organizations, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq




Entrepreneurial Culture, Private Universities in Erbil city


The research aims to evaluate the role of private universities in achieving an entrepreneurial culture. The methodology adopted by the research is represented in defining the research problem by asking several questions centered around the difference between the estimates of the research sample to assess the role of private universities in Erbil city in achieving entrepreneurial culture from the point of view of the faculty members and to validate the hypotheses, they were subjected to a set of statistical tests. The research used the descriptive analytical approach, as the variables were described as well as the research population represented by all faculty members in private universities in Erbil and its sample, represented by (4) universities, and (340) forms were distributed to the respondents, and (336) forms valid for analysis were obtained. Finally, the descriptive analysis and the variance were tested through statistical methods using the SPSS v-26. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of high levels of entrepreneurial education, leadership, governance, and entrepreneurship, and there is also the presence and organizational capabilities, support and preparation of entrepreneurs, exchange of knowledge and cooperation in the surveyed universities in the Erbil city. In contrast, the analysis results indicated that private universities in Erbil city have slow procedures regarding the requirements for achieving entrepreneurship. Private universities face difficulties in providing financial resources to achieve entrepreneurship. Moreover, the responders agreed that private universities are weak in initiatives based on the importance of entrepreneurship. A large number of university burdens do not allow it to promote the achievement of entrepreneurship, and there is a lack of institutional business models in the management and employment of entrepreneurship in private universities. The results indicate that there are no statistically significant variances between the means estimates of the research sample to assess the role of private universities in Erbil city in achieving entrepreneurship culture from the point of view of faculty members due to the gender variable (male, female). The results showed no variances in academic qualifications (Master's and Ph.D.). There are also statistically significant variances between the means of the estimates of the research sample to assess the role of private universities in Erbil city in achieving entrepreneurship culture from the point of view of faculty members due to the variable of the place of obtaining the academic qualification. Also, there are statistically significant variances between the means estimates of the research sample to assess the role of private universities in Erbil city in achieving entrepreneurship culture from the point of view of faculty members due to the scientific title and years of experience variable.


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How to Cite

نورالدين عزيز ر. ., احمد مصطفى ح. ., & احمد اسماعيل ج. . (2023). Evaluation of the Role of Private Universities in Achieving an Entrepreneurial Culture: Empirical Study in Private Universities in Erbil City. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 7(1), 358-387. https://doi.org/10.25098/7.1.28