Using the Kida Model to Reduction Financial Fragility

An Analytical study of a Sample of Industrial Companies Listed on the Iraq Securities Exchange


  • Khanm Marketing Management Department, College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq, Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Cihan University- Sulaimaniya, Sulaimaniya, Iraq
  • Nashmil Shwan Thabt Marketing Management Department, College of Management and Economics, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq



Kida model, financial fragility (Z-score - Minsky, industrial companies


The Kida model and financial fragility are among the important topics in the financial field, which most companies in the financial markets seek to apply, especially industrial companies that aim to reach financial stability, which calls for companies to expand their business, but this expansion is one of the causes of financial fragility. The Kida model is one of the measures that contribute to reducing the severity of fragility. Therefore, the relationship between the Kedah model and financial fragility is one of the main things for the company to reach a state of financial health. The main objective of the current study is to use the Kedah model to reduce financial fragility in industrial companies, and Demonstrating the impact of the importance of finding a solution to the problem of financial decline and thus avoiding financial fragility and avoiding companies falling into bankruptcy and maintaining Effective continuation of its activity, as its disastrous consequences will not be avoided at the slightest internal or external shocks faced by industrial companies, and this threat accompanies those companies in the financial markets. And then knowing the nature of the impact resulting from the use of the Kedah model to reduce financial vulnerability. To achieve this goal, the study relied on the (analytical and statistical) approach. This data was financially treated according to (Kida-Z-score-Minsky) standards. The historical financial data was also used for the period between 2012 and 2019. Based on the data issued About the Iraq Stock Exchange for a sample of the selected industrial companies, which represented the study sample (11) companies.The study concluded that although the companies used the Kedah model to reduce financial vulnerability in all study sample companies, the use of the Kedah model for the two companies (Baghdad Industrial Packaging materials, Modern Chemical Industries Company (Baghdad-Erbil) achieved (0.33, 0.24) respectively, the least effect "due to weakness. This model was used to reduce the fragility faced by any decline in its financial stability. We conclude from this that both companies suffer from a financial situation Unstable as a result of poor administrative policies in making decisions and the inability to predict financial fragility, which accompanies the situation to financial failure. It is highly reliable, reliable and successful in identifying early cases of failure before they strike.


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How to Cite

نوري كاكه حمه العطار خ., & شوان ثابت ن. . . (2023). Using the Kida Model to Reduction Financial Fragility: An Analytical study of a Sample of Industrial Companies Listed on the Iraq Securities Exchange. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 7(1), 158-184.