Oral history, Community Memory and the History of the Marginalized


  • Kamaran Mohammed Qadir بەشی مێژوو، کۆلێژی زانستە مرۆڤایەتییەکان، زانکۆی سلێمانی، سلێمانی، عێراق




Oral history, Written history, Community Memory, Marginalized



The oral history is a field of research and a method for collecting, protecting, and transmitting the vote and remembering those people and communities who participated in the past events. At the same time, it is the oldest type of historical research that has been written before history, and it is considered the latest type of research, because it has been using recording devices in the 1940s.


In this research, the historical development of the oral history has been discussed and the role of memory has been tried. At the same time, it has been emphasized that this history has shown itself as an opposition to written history and has tried to change the basics of the role and the meaning of history, this means harsh history, which made the (oral) against (written). The task it has done in the middle of democratizing history means that returning to the people, here if the written history is an expression of life and achievements and the championship of the kings and leaders, that is the oral history is the social history, which means that their people will have a deadline for expression, and this means that this history is the history of the silent classes of society.


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How to Cite

قادر ک. م. . (2022). Oral history, Community Memory and the History of the Marginalized. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University– Sulaimaniya, 6(3), 115-124. https://doi.org/10.25098/6.3.6



Volume 6 Issue 3 (Special Issue)