The Imagery of Nature in Thomas Dylan’s “The Hunchback in the Park” and “Poem in October”
Poetic Elements, Literary Devices, Nature, Social Life, and Language StyleAbstract
This paper aims to analyze two brilliant poems by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. In the first stage, the poet's brief historical background and literary career would be pointed out. Then, The Hunchback in the Park would be analyzed in terms of the poetic elements and literary devices. Thomas uses different elements of nature as an aesthetic description in his poetry. He loves nature and mixes social life events with the description of nature together. After that, Poem in October, which some critics believe to be his masterpiece, would be analyzed and interpreted. Finally, a brief comparison is made to show some similarities and differences between the two poems. The concentration would be on the language style that Thomas uses to better understand the initial and potential meaning of the two poems.
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